Top 7 places to visit in Poland near Białystok:

  • Białe Augustowskie

    Main photo of Białe Augustowskie

    Białe Augustowskie - is a ribbon lake in Augustów. The lakeside is well developed with numerous bays and spits. There are four islands in the lake.
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  • Białowieża National Park

    Main photo of Białowieża National Park

    Białowieża National Park is located in Eastern Poland on the border with Belarus. It's called the "last untouched wilderness of Europe", because it has been free of human intervention for about 800 years. Also, it is known as a home to the world's largest population of European bison.
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  • Biebrzański Park Narodowy

    Main photo of Biebrzański Park Narodowy

    Biebrza National Park is the largest of Poland's 23 national parks. The most precious part of the park is its forests and marshes where hundreds of bird species live. There are many hiking routes where visitors enjoy the beauty of nature and diverse wildlife.
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  • Narew National Park

    Main photo of Narew National Park

    The Park's landscape is predominantly made up by many varieties of marshes, reed beds, and there are also meadows and forests. One of the Park's attractions is a private archaeological museum, owned by Władysław Litwinczuk.
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  • Supraśl Orthodox Monastery

    Main photo of Supraśl Orthodox Monastery

    The Monastery of the Annunciation in Supraśl, also known as the Supraśl Lavra is a monastery in North Eastern Poland. The complex includes Church of the Annunciation, and baroque monastery buildings, built between the 17th and 18th century.
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  • Tykocin

    Main photo of Tykocin

    Tykocin is a small town near the Białystok city and one of the oldest settlements in the region. Main toursit attractions are Tykocin Royal Castle and the Baroque Tykocin Synagogue, which is one of the best preserved in Poland from that period.
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  • Ziołowy Zakątek


    Ziołowy Zakątek is a farm complex with historic farmhouses from the mid-19th century where you can stay. Also the complex includes herb house, old wind mill, ecological herb garden and farm animals.
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