Biebrzański Park Narodowy

A natural nature park in Poland.

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Biebrza National Park is the largest of Poland's 23 national parks. The most precious part of the park is its forests and marshes where hundreds of bird species live. There are many hiking routes where visitors enjoy the beauty of nature and diverse wildlife.

Read more on Wikipedia and on official website.

Reasons to visit

  • It's a great place for walking and enjoying wild nature with its silence and scenic views.
  • Biebrza river is a great option for camping and kayaking.
  • Podlaski Stork Trail and Green Velo bicycle trails cross the park.
  • Hiking routes in the park are not demanding and suitable for people of all ages.

What to visit near Biebrzański Park Narodowy?

Frequently asked questions about Biebrzański Park Narodowy

Why is Biebrzański Park Narodowy worth visiting?
  • It's a great place for walking and enjoying wild nature with its silence and scenic views.
  • Biebrza river is a great option for camping and kayaking.
  • Podlaski Stork Trail and Green Velo bicycle trails cross the park.
  • Hiking routes in the park are not demanding and suitable for people of all ages.
What other places worth visiting when traveling to Biebrzański Park Narodowy?
  • Białystok
  • Giżycko
  • Tykocin
  • Śniardwy
  • Mikolajki
  • Mragowo
  • Wigry Lake
  • Supraśl Orthodox Monastery
  • Narew National Park
  • Białe Augustowskie