Supraśl Orthodox Monastery

A historical church in Poland.

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The Monastery of the Annunciation in Supraśl, also known as the Supraśl Lavra is a monastery in North Eastern Poland. The complex includes Church of the Annunciation, and baroque monastery buildings, built between the 17th and 18th century.

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Reasons to visit

    What to visit near Supraśl Orthodox Monastery?

    Frequently asked questions about Supraśl Orthodox Monastery

    What other places worth visiting when traveling to Supraśl Orthodox Monastery?
    • Białystok
    • Białowieża National Park
    • Tykocin
    • Biebrzański Park Narodowy
    • Wigry Lake
    • Narew National Park
    • Białe Augustowskie
    • Ziołowy Zakątek