Swietokrzyski National Park

A natural nature park in Poland.

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Świętokrzyski National Park is famous for its trees, of which 674 are regarded as monuments of nature and as such are under protection. The Świętokrzyskie Mountains are the oldest in Poland. Apart from nature, there are several important architectural relics, most of which of sacral character.

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Reasons to visit

    What to visit near Swietokrzyski National Park?

    Frequently asked questions about Swietokrzyski National Park

    What other places worth visiting when traveling to Swietokrzyski National Park?
    • Kielce
    • Sandomierz
    • Krzyżtopór Castle
    • JuraPark Bałtów
    • Inowlódz Royal Castle
    • Chęciny Castle
    • Jaskinia Raj