Top 11 historical sites to visit in Poland near Zakopane:

  • Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum

    Main photo of Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum

    The Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum is a museum on the site of the Auschwitz concentration camp in Oświęcim, Poland. It is a World Heritage Site since 1979 and has been preserved by the Polish government in memory of the 1.1 million people who died there during the Holocaust.
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  • Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec

    Main photo of Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec

    The Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec is a historic monastery located near Krakow, Poland. Visitors can explore a Baroque church, a museum showcasing the abbey's history, and a picturesque courtyard with stunning views of the Vistula River. Active tourists can enjoy a scenic bike ride along the river to reach the Abbey.
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  • Czorsztyn Castle

    Main photo of Czorsztyn Castle

    The ruins of Czorsztyn Castle are located at Czorsztyn Lake within Pieniny National Park borders. It is a medieval castle that stands at the top of the hill near the Dunajec River.
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  • Kraków

    Main photo of Kraków

    Kraków is the second-largest city in Poland and one of the oldest. In medieval times it was the capital of the Kingdom of Poland. Now Kraków is very popular among tourists because of the old town, which is surrounded by medieval castle walls. It contains dozens of restaurants and cobbled streets.
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  • Niedzica Castle

    Main photo of Niedzica Castle

    Niedzica Castle, also known as Dunajec Castle, is a medieval stronghold located on the right bank of the Czorsztyn Reservoir in the village of Niedzica-Zamek. This castle was probably built in the early 14th century, probably on the site of an earlier defensive structure.
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  • Observation tower in Dąbrówka Szczepanowska


    A 16-meter-high wooden observation tower was opened in Dąbrówka Szczepanowska village in early December 2018. From its five floors there is a view of Tarnow, Wojnicz, the valley and bend of the Dunajec River, the hills of the Beskid Wyspowy, and even the distant Tatra Mountains.
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  • St. Michael Archangel's Church

    Main photo of St. Michael Archangel's Church

    Michael Archangel's Church in Dębno is a Roman Catholic Gothic-wooden church from the fifteenth-century. The church is considered to be one of the oldest structures of its type in Poland. The church remains in its original structure, with a unique polychrome interior from around 1500.
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  • Tenczyn Castle

    Main photo of Tenczyn Castle

    Tenczyn Castle is a medieval castle in the village of Rudno. The castle stands on the remnants of a Permian period lava stream, the highest hill of Garb Tenczyński (Castle Hill), which is 411 m above the sea level.
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  • Tropsztyn Castle

    Main photo of Tropsztyn Castle

    Tropsztyn Castle is a reconstruction of a defensive castle near the Czchowskie lake. The history of the castle is connected with the village of Tropie, located on the opposite side of the river.
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  • Wieliczka Salt Mine

    Main photo of Wieliczka Salt Mine

    The Wieliczka Salt Mine, located in southern Poland and excavated from the 13th century, has been producing table salt continuously since then. Its attractions include the shafts and passageways, an underground lake, four chapels and numerous statues carved by miners out of the rock salt.
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  • Zywiec Brewery Museum

    Main photo of Zywiec Brewery Museum

    Żywiec Brewery is one of the largest breweries and beer producers in Poland. The brewery museum offers to visit guided tours, manufacturing museum and a beer cellar.
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