Top 12 castles to visit in Poland near Pszczyna:

  • Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec

    Main photo of Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec

    The Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec is a historic monastery located near Krakow, Poland. Visitors can explore a Baroque church, a museum showcasing the abbey's history, and a picturesque courtyard with stunning views of the Vistula River. Active tourists can enjoy a scenic bike ride along the river to reach the Abbey.
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  • Bobolice Castle

    Main photo of Bobolice Castle

    The Bobolice Castle is a 14th-century royal castle in the village of Bobolice. It was a part of the defense system of royal strongholds protecting the western border of Poland on the side of Silesia.
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  • Bydlin Castle

    Main photo of Bydlin Castle

    Bydlin Castle is a fourteenth-century castle ruins, located in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland. The fortress was built as part of the Trail of the Eagles' Nests defence system.
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  • Bąkowiec Castle

    Main photo of Bąkowiec Castle

    Bąkowiec Castle is a fourteenth-century knight's castle ruins, located in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland.
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  • Będzin Castle

    Main photo of Będzin Castle

    The Będzin Castle is a castle in Będzin town in southern Poland. The stone castle dates to the 14th century, and is predated by a wooden fortification that was constructed in the 11th century. It served as a military outpost on the southwestern border of the Kingdom of Poland.
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  • Mirów Castle

    Main photo of Mirów Castle

    Mirów Castle is a 14th-century castle, now ruined, located in the Mirów village, Silesian Voivodeship, Poland.
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  • Moszna Castle

    Main photo of Moszna Castle

    The Moszna Castle is a 200-year-old castle building that now operates as a hotel. It is located in the small village of Moszna. It has a chapel which is used as a concert hall and a gallery with regular exhibitions. The entire complex includes a park with nearby fields, meadows, and a forest.
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  • Ogrodzieniec Castle

    Main photo of Ogrodzieniec Castle

    Ogrodzieniec Castle - ruins of a castle built in the system of the so-called Eagles' Nests in the 14th-15th centuries. The castle is located on the highest elevation in the Krakow-Czestochowa Jurassic Highlands - Castle Mountain rising to 515.5 meters above sea level.
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  • Olsztyn Castle

    Main photo of Olsztyn Castle

    Olsztyn Castle – castle ruins located in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland, lying on the Trail of the Eagles' Nests – formerly protecting the southern border of the Kingdom of Poland.
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  • Pilcza Castle

    Main photo of Pilcza Castle

    Pilica Castle is a Neo-Renaissance castle located in Pilica. Encircled by bastion fortifications, the castle is made up of four wings, surrounding an interior courtyard. The castle is surrounded by a 10 ha park with diverse fauna and flora. There is a Classicist well in the park.
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  • Rabsztyn Castle

    Main photo of Rabsztyn Castle

    Rabsztyn Castle is a preserved Gothic ruined castle located in the Polish Jura within the Eagles' Nests Trail. Having undergone extensive reconstruction, since May 2015, the castle has been opened to tourists.
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  • Tenczyn Castle

    Main photo of Tenczyn Castle

    Tenczyn Castle is a medieval castle in the village of Rudno. The castle stands on the remnants of a Permian period lava stream, the highest hill of Garb Tenczyński (Castle Hill), which is 411 m above the sea level.
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