Top 15 castles to visit in Poland near Kraków:

  • Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec

    Main photo of Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec

    The Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec is a historic monastery located near Krakow, Poland. Visitors can explore a Baroque church, a museum showcasing the abbey's history, and a picturesque courtyard with stunning views of the Vistula River. Active tourists can enjoy a scenic bike ride along the river to reach the Abbey.
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  • Bobolice Castle

    Main photo of Bobolice Castle

    The Bobolice Castle is a 14th-century royal castle in the village of Bobolice. It was a part of the defense system of royal strongholds protecting the western border of Poland on the side of Silesia.
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  • Bydlin Castle

    Main photo of Bydlin Castle

    Bydlin Castle is a fourteenth-century castle ruins, located in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland. The fortress was built as part of the Trail of the Eagles' Nests defence system.
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  • Bąkowiec Castle

    Main photo of Bąkowiec Castle

    Bąkowiec Castle is a fourteenth-century knight's castle ruins, located in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland.
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  • Będzin Castle

    Main photo of Będzin Castle

    The Będzin Castle is a castle in Będzin town in southern Poland. The stone castle dates to the 14th century, and is predated by a wooden fortification that was constructed in the 11th century. It served as a military outpost on the southwestern border of the Kingdom of Poland.
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  • Chęciny Castle

    Main photo of Chęciny Castle

    Chęciny Royal Castle was built in the late 13th century in Chęciny, Poland. It fell into ruin in the 18th century and remains in that state to this day.
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  • Czorsztyn Castle

    Main photo of Czorsztyn Castle

    The ruins of Czorsztyn Castle are located at Czorsztyn Lake within Pieniny National Park borders. It is a medieval castle that stands at the top of the hill near the Dunajec River.
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  • Mirów Castle

    Main photo of Mirów Castle

    Mirów Castle is a 14th-century castle, now ruined, located in the Mirów village, Silesian Voivodeship, Poland.
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  • Niedzica Castle

    Main photo of Niedzica Castle

    Niedzica Castle, also known as Dunajec Castle, is a medieval stronghold located on the right bank of the Czorsztyn Reservoir in the village of Niedzica-Zamek. This castle was probably built in the early 14th century, probably on the site of an earlier defensive structure.
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  • Ogrodzieniec Castle

    Main photo of Ogrodzieniec Castle

    Ogrodzieniec Castle - ruins of a castle built in the system of the so-called Eagles' Nests in the 14th-15th centuries. The castle is located on the highest elevation in the Krakow-Czestochowa Jurassic Highlands - Castle Mountain rising to 515.5 meters above sea level.
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  • Olsztyn Castle

    Main photo of Olsztyn Castle

    Olsztyn Castle – castle ruins located in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland, lying on the Trail of the Eagles' Nests – formerly protecting the southern border of the Kingdom of Poland.
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  • Pilcza Castle

    Main photo of Pilcza Castle

    Pilica Castle is a Neo-Renaissance castle located in Pilica. Encircled by bastion fortifications, the castle is made up of four wings, surrounding an interior courtyard. The castle is surrounded by a 10 ha park with diverse fauna and flora. There is a Classicist well in the park.
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  • Rabsztyn Castle

    Main photo of Rabsztyn Castle

    Rabsztyn Castle is a preserved Gothic ruined castle located in the Polish Jura within the Eagles' Nests Trail. Having undergone extensive reconstruction, since May 2015, the castle has been opened to tourists.
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  • Tenczyn Castle

    Main photo of Tenczyn Castle

    Tenczyn Castle is a medieval castle in the village of Rudno. The castle stands on the remnants of a Permian period lava stream, the highest hill of Garb Tenczyński (Castle Hill), which is 411 m above the sea level.
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  • Tropsztyn Castle

    Main photo of Tropsztyn Castle

    Tropsztyn Castle is a reconstruction of a defensive castle near the Czchowskie lake. The history of the castle is connected with the village of Tropie, located on the opposite side of the river.
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